Discover the vibrant yet deadly world of the Poison Dart Frog, one of nature’s most captivating creatures. In this breathtaking documentary, we dive deep into the rainforests of Central and South America to uncover the secrets behind these colourful amphibians. Learn how their brilliant colours serve as a warning, their toxins as a powerful defence, and how indigenous tribes have used their venom for hunting for centuries. But as deforestation and climate change threaten their habitats, will these fascinating creatures survive? Join us for a journey into the hidden life of the rainforest’s miniature assassins.
🚨 Watch now to explore:
– The evolution and biology of poison dart frogs
– The deadly science of their toxic skin
– How native tribes use their venom
– Conservation efforts to save their species
Don’t miss this extraordinary look at one of the rainforest’s most mysterious creatures!
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